
Compass spare leads

2 mm, 2x 6 pieces

  • Faber-Castell - Compass spare leads, 2 mm, 2x 6 pieces

Compass spare leads

2 mm, 2x 6 pieces

Product details

  • Graphite leads with angled point
  • Degree of hardness H
  • 25 mm long
  • Suitable for all compass models

Compass spare leads, 2 mm, 2x 6 pieces

Quality and functionality combined with sophisticated design – this is the motto of the Faber-Castell company. Even with regard to compasses, the market leader keeps abreast of the latest trends. However, apart from trendy designs, Faber-Castell also offers rugged technology: Robust gear wheels, firm central wheel spindles, easily adjustable legs as well as non-slip needles and lead clamps for exact lines are standard features of all Faber-Castell compasses.


Recycled plastic packaging

Faber-Castell works on reducing plastics or replacing them with recycled materials. The packaging contains recycled plastic.